Society of Friends of Rivers Collegiate Institute Scholarship

The Society of Friends of Rivers Collegiate Institute Scholarship was established for the purpose of assisting graduating RCI students achieve their post-secondary goals of advanced education and learning. Through this scholarship fund, we aim to provide support and opportunities for students to pursue their dreams and further their education.

Learning Begins
With Us

As a recipient of the Society of Friends of RCI Scholarship, you can be assured that your ambitions and aspirations are recognized and supported by our organization. We believe in the power of education and are committed to helping students like you succeed.

With the Society of Friends of RCI Scholarship, you can focus on your studies and future without the worry of financial burdens. We are here to inspire and empower you as you embark on your academic journey.

Scholarships awarded to date
Scholarships Awarded
Scholarship monetary awarded
Society of Friends Scholarship Recognizes Academic Success, Character, Personal Achievement and Leadership

Conditions of Scholarship Application & Key Criteria


The applicant will show evidence of character when dealing with a major challenge. Challenges might fall into one or several of the following: moving to a new district or country, difficulties in a school subject, learning a new language, being bullied, health or physical issues, racial intolerance, making a major change in one’s career path, shyness, family break up, additional issues in the home, family economics.

Personal Achievement

Show evidence of noteworthy achievement in at least one of the following areas:
(A) Service: Show evidence of service above and beyond elected office. This service could include, but not be limited to: tutoring of special needs children, services for seniors, fundraising, volunteer work in the community or school, care for animals.

(B) Innovation: Show evidence of being innovative in developing a new idea or invention, in being an entrepreneur or creating and/or managing a specific community project.

(C) Exceptional Performance: Go above and beyond school studies or school activities. These could include but not limited to: Achievement of a level of proficiency equal to or beyond the equivalent of the Royal Conservatory of Music Grade 8. Selection to be a member of a Provincial or National Sports Team. Selection to a Provincial or National Orchestra/Band/Choir. Achievement of Provincial or National recognition for a Science Fair Project. Achievement of Provincial or National recognition in club competitions or other recognition for achievement.


Show evidence of leadership in the school and elsewhere in the community. Consideration should not be limited to the number of leadership positions the applicant has held but rather should focus on the quality of work done while in a leadership position.


The applicant must have achieved a minimum of 70% average in each of the last two examination reporting periods.


The applicant must have plans to attend a post secondary education or training institution. The scholarship will be paid only after the successful applicant provides evidence that they have registered and is in attendance in a post secondary program of education or training which has a minimum duration of 26 weeks.

Process of Applying for Scholarship

The recipient of the scholarship must be facing the added financial burden of relocating to a different community in order to pursue their academic studies and must have maintained a minimum Grade XII average of at least 70%.
The applicant will complete a letter of application and submit it to the Principal’s office no later than May 25 of the academic year in which the scholarship is to be granted. The letter should state the following:

1. A paragraph or so on career choice and choice of institution.

2. Has experienced a personal challenge and was able to over ride this challenge. Two or more paragraphs on the nature of the challenge and the steps and initiatives taken to over come the challenge.

3. Has performed in an above average manner in one of the following 3 areas in addition to being involved in normal school activities:
Community Service/volunteerism
External recognition for excellence in sports, the arts or other endeavour.
Innovate to try to resolve a given technical or social matter within the community of Rivers.

4. Has positively impacted the community at large through performing leadership functions. Discuss in several paragraphs your thoughts on leadership, your leadership roles and take away experiences.

A select number of applicants will be interviewed by the scholarship board of trustees in early June.

The winner of the scholarship will be recognized at the annual RCI Graduation Exercises.

The recipient of the scholarship must provide documented evidence to the society of being registered and in attendance in a course of post secondary education or training within 24 months of July 1 of the year in which the scholarship was awarded.
Failure to do so will result in a default of the scholarship and the monies that would have been awarded will be withdrawn.